Shopify Hydrogen Guide

Learn how to use the Sentry Remix SDK to instrument your Shopify Hydrogen app.

If you're using the Shopify Hydrogen framework, you can use the Sentry Remix SDK to add Sentry instrumentation to your app.

First, install the Sentry Remix SDK in your application. We recommend using the Sentry wizard to automatically install the SDK:

npx @sentry/wizard@latest -i remix

If the wizard doesn't work for you, you can also set up the Remix SDK manually.

After installing the Sentry Remix SDK, delete the newly generated instrumentation.server.mjs file and all newly generated code from entry.server.tsx. This instrumentation is not needed because you are going to use the Sentry Cloudflare SDK for server-side instrumentation.

Now you can install the Sentry Cloudflare SDK. First, install the SDK with your package manager:

npm install @sentry/cloudflare --save

Then update your server.ts file to use the wrapRequestHandler method:

import { wrapRequestHandler } from "@sentry/cloudflare";

 * Export a fetch handler in module format.
export default {
  async fetch(
    request: Request,
    env: Env,
    executionContext: ExecutionContext
  ): Promise<Response> {
    return wrapRequestHandler(
        options: {
          dsn: "YOUR_DSN_HERE",
          tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
        // Need to cast to any because this is not on cloudflare
        request: request as any,
        context: executionContext,
      async () => {
        // request handling logic

To remove errors relating to node:async_hooks (which is included in the sdk, but not used by wrapRequestHandler), add a custom vite plugin to your vite.config.ts file that will alias it to an empty module:

export function removeAsyncHooksPlugin(): Plugin {
  return {
    name: "remove-async-hooks",
    load: (id) => {
      if (id === "node:async_hooks") {
        return "export default {}";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // rest of your plugins
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